Services we provide
If you have a recording that you cannot play back, that's when we can help...
Some reasons you may not be able to play back a recording are:
We can work with virtually any recording format. We can work with film, 8mm, 16mm, etc.
We can work with tape, whether audio, reel-to-reel tape, cassettes, microcassettes,
disks, flash media (the kind digital cameras take), etc., etc., etc.

There is NO CHARGE for us to take a look at the item you have and to quote you a price
to convert it to a currently playable format. You will also get your original back. (The
exception to this is if the recording medium disintegrates in the process of extracting the
program from it, as is sometimes the case with old film.)
the tape or film is broken or damaged,
you no longer have the device the recording was made on,
the recording is in a format you are not familiar with.

Your transfer...

Your DVD will have a label which you can write on, and come in its own slim
"jewel case", rubber-banded to the original tape it was made from. You can
then write the information that was on the tape onto the DVD label and put
the tape away.

Your hard drive or flash drive will contain folders named with the
information on the original, with the electronic files inside.

We can also arrange to pick up and deliver!
Getting started...

The cost to transfer one tape to DVD is $20.

If you would like more than one DVD copy of a tape,
each additional DVD copy is $8.

Discounts are available for larger quantities.

Discounts accrue over time. As you convert more tapes, the discount
applies and the price goes down. If you have a large number of tapes,
you might consider starting with a few now and convert on a regular
schedule. Soon, they will all be done!

The cost fo transferring tape to hard drive is $15 per tape.